FAQ - Guild

How do I create the pending confession channel?

Type the command catcn cfsp in the channel that you want to setup.

Note: This command is only available for Guild Premium

As a server owner, is there a way to know who wrote the anonymous confessions?

We do not provide any user information about confessions to any servers.

If you need help with reporting some serious cases to discord, we can handle that!

Btw, you can upgrade to Guild Premium to access Pending channel, where you can decide which one will be posted on confession channel.

How do I make a channel and assign it for word story

See cathelp channel and setup your channel, for example: catchannel ows

Use cathelp channel for more info

How do I reset the counting channel?

catcn reset

Is there any purge or nuke command?

catclean {number}

Last updated